Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Slow News Day

Today was a very slow news day. Everybody seems to be going crazy over some stupid-ass conference regarding T2's fiscal year hoping that they'll get a meaningful piece of information about IV for the first time since before "The characters of GTA IV". To even think about important news before that would be very mentally strenuous. The GTA forum is a buzz full of posts with Take 2 somewhere in there title, yet nothing. Surely a lot of people are pissed off and angry that not a sliver of news was released, except that the release is between February and March. HELLO!!!!! That's old news! Even though some people would say "It's better to have old news than to have no news at all. I beg to differ. A lot of people were let down when they see headlines that tell them there is news then find out it's old. I know I was. Well thats all I can report on for now so I'll hopefully have something new to talk about soon.

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