Sunday, January 6, 2008

1/6/08 Update

Hello to all those who actually read this blog sorry I haven't posted in a while but there was nothing really to post about or I didn't feel it was important enough. Either that or I was just lazy and didn't feel like posting it :D, but now there's finally enough to compile up into this post. So first of all I'd like to say that I get all my sources from the GTA Network so check it out at but moving on at the GTA IV forum that is apart of the GTA Network a user by the name of Bluespot made this discovery:

As you can clearly see there is a map in the left center of the picture which has caused much speculation you can see the full size picture at
Moving on yet again I was just recently browsing the forum when I found a post that said that GTA IV will be featured in this month's PS3 magazine which is on sale now. Well, that's all for now.

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